For my second shot in the series, I would still say that I am still in the beginning stages of visual development of the composition, although I have a previs shot to show. The first priority I had in mind is creating more or less the general shot angle and general visual elements that will compose the scene. Since I don’t really have the best graphics card for now in my computer, it is not very efficient in my workflow to work using the render preview mode. Even though it shows an approximation in terms of color palette of what the shot is going to look like, it is still pixelated, and ends up slowing me down and making me more inefficient in the process to edit the scene while it renders. For that reason I simply use the model view in Blender like the following image, simply getting an idea with the camera of what I am actually seeing and what is being hid from view.
Since the idea of the concept is to have these characters land on some desolate place that had previously been populated, I wanted to get a sense of which architectural elements would make the image engaging and further increase this feeling.
For example I took the idea of the monorail from Bladerunner from a comparable shot, in which a desolate cityscape can be seen in the background. I think I am looking to recreate that sort of imagery with this composition, and I chose to also use the monorail as a visual resource.
For the second image below I have decided (at least for now) that the camera view is going to be closer to the ground, hopefully without blocking too much of the visual elements of the monorail. I want this visibility of the bridge to be especially evident, because I am imagining that the characters are going to ride along on the bridge that connects the two sections of land. For the monorail itself I still have to make it look destroyed, so I will take some time to create this weathering effect, maybe taking some pieces of the supporting structures here and there to make the disuse very apparent. Since the color of the sunlight is very orange, I am still looking to create some subtle variation in color with different materials that are not necessarily in that orange color range.
Lastly, It was good to see for this first previs render that I was able to map the gravel texture on the floor correctly, since it would have been easy for it to look like a repeated tile, deceasing the desired illusion of realism of the texture. I am also intending on adding modeled scattered rocks to push even more the sense of realism.